What we do

The Baker Dearing Educational Trust supports University Technical Colleges (UTCs) to deliver a high-quality, industry-focused curriculum to students. Established in 2009, the trust sits at the centre of the UTC network and is uniquely placed to provide co-ordinated support to, and advocacy for, UTCs, as well as communications both within the network and to a broader audience.

Highly respected education experts argue that the ‘linear thinking’ skills prioritised by the school system are precisely those that algorithms are able to perform much more quickly, profoundly and reliably than humans.

The digital revolution will eliminate the need for these skills.

Thus, an education which truly prepares young people for the future must focus far more on active (as opposed to passive) learning; technical entrepreneurial skills; and personal and collaborative skills. In other words, while knowledge is as necessary as ever, it is no longer enough.

Abstract knowledge and reasoning need to be linked to the ‘real world’ through practical applications. This is the philosophy behind UTCs, created by Baker Dearing.

UTCs, through their association with employers and universities, through project-based learning, and through a focus on technical subjects, bridge the gap between the world of education and the world of work. Today, there are 44 UTCs open across England, educating 20,000 students, and supported by more than 400 employers and universities.

Today, Baker Dearing supports UTCs through:

Helping individual UTCs achieve high standards:

UTCs are relatively new, many less than 10 years old. It is vital that they receive additional targeted support to achieve high standards.

The Baker Dearing Educational Trust helps UTCs either directly, with its small team of highly experienced staff, or through the commissioning of assistance from others across the network. Individual support targets the unique aspects of a UTC, typically where help does not exist elsewhere in the education system. This includes, but is not limited to, enhancing the delivery of technical education, bolstering student recruitment, strengthening employer and university relationships, improving UTC finances, and assisting UTCs to join multi-academy trusts.

Fostering a supportive community across the UTC network:

There are 44 UTCs across England, all providing an industry-focused education. There is much that they can and wish to learn from each other. The Baker Dearing Educational Trust provides: a rich programme of events for UTC staff of all levels including governors; regular advice and guidance as well as general communication across all UTCs; and research, data and analysis regarding programme developments. The charity also uses its purchasing power, with 44 schools, to achieve discounts on various third-party services on behalf of UTCs.

Shaping the policy, regulatory and media environment for UTCs:

The political and policy landscape for education is constantly changing. It is imperative that the unique and relevant education offered by UTCs enjoys strong advocacy within government, industry, the media, and other important stakeholders.

Baker Dearing, as the representative body for the UTC programme, is well-placed to achieve this aim. The charity maintains strong relationships with the DfE, ESFA, and Ofsted in order to shape a supportive policy and regulatory environment, and engages with individual Members of Parliament to ensure strong local support for UTCs.


Supporting the delivery of high-quality technical education.

Baker Dearing is uniquely placed with expertise in the implementation of pre-16 technical education pathways.