Meet the team

Stephen Phipson CBE


Stephen supports the UTC programme as an active participant in political and fundraising activities. With trustees, he also oversees and bolsters the work of Baker Dearing.

Kate Ambrosi

Chief Executive Officer

Kate leads Baker Dearing and is responsible for its work in education delivery, lobbying, communications, and employer engagement, as well as overseeing operational matters.

Magdalin Clancy

Senior Advisor

A highly experienced school leader, Magdalin leads on our support for all UTC finance-related issues.

Steve Leahey

Senior Advisor

A former UTC Principal, Steve advises UTCs on educational matters, specifically leading on T Level support.

Alex Hayes

Senior Advisor

As a former UTC Principal, MAT Director and school inspector, Alex supports UTCs to raise educational standards and prepare for Ofsted inspections.

Nicolas Heslop

Senior Advisor

Nicolas is well-known around the corridors of Westminster and supports Baker Dearing with policy and lobbying.

Ian May

Finance Director

Ian manages the day-to-day finances for Baker Dearing, including UTC Licence arrangements.

Rosalind Kipps

Events and Operations Manager

With over 10 years at Baker Dearing, Ros manages Baker Dearing’s successful events programme, and handles all of Baker Dearing’s brand, publications and design work.

Amy Sutcliffe

Project Manager

Amy is an experienced events lead and coordinates student-facing projects across the UTC network, supporting the UTC specialist network activities for Baker Dearing.

Fraser Whieldon

Communications and Public Relations Manager

With a background in journalism and PR consultancy, Fraser is responsible for Baker Dearing’s marketing and communications functions, including relations with the media and the trust’s social media presence.

Ayeesha Bhamji

UTC Projects Coordinator

Having previously worked with LDE UTC as part of the employer engagement team, Ayeesha brings that experience to Baker Dearing to coordinate projects for UTCs across the network.

Joe Benson

UTC Projects Coordinator

Joe is an experienced project manager, specialising in the delivery of training in the healthcare sector.

Kathy Fogarty

Executive Assistant

For over 30 years, Kathy has helped Lord Baker to manage his parliamentary, professional, charitable and literary commitments.

Mandy Chalk

Administrative Assistant

With over twenty years working in the education sector, Mandy is bringing her experience to support the Baker Dearing events programme and the Baker Award.