Baker Dearing provides a rich programme of events for UTC staff, governors and students; regular advice and guidance, as well as general communication, across all UTCs; and research and analysis regarding programme developments.

Connecting the UTC community
Baker Dearing administers a series of networks for the various staff, leaders, and governors within a UTC. We have networks for principals, chairs of governors, marketing leads, and employer engagement leads, to name just a few.
These networks, which are run through dedicated WhatsApp chats, in-person and virtual events, allow those working in various roles and subjects the opportunity to share best practice and troubleshoot common issues.
Building professional relationships
Baker Dearing maintains an active schedule of virtual and in-person events for UTC staff, governors, and students as well as for external stakeholders such as employers and politicians.
These events allows those parties to build links and relationships with their peers at other UTCs. Through these events, staff and students can also interact with their peers at other UTCs and engage with external stakeholders such as employers.