With over ten years’ experience supporting the delivery of technical education, Baker Dearing has accumulated a substantial bank of data on and case studies of young people whose lives have been changed by a UTC education.

How we gather data
We continually monitor UTC performance on key indicators such as Ofsted results. However we gather data on specific metrics at a certain points throughout the academic year.
For example, towards the start of each academic year, we collect data on what destinations (e.g., apprenticeships, university, higher STEM learning) have been achieved by students who left the UTC at the end of the last academic year. We also run a student survey around the time of the autumn half term to gauge their attitudes towards education.
Sharing our work
We have previously shared data with think tanks, researchers, and charitable organisations to demonstrate the positive impact of school-level technical education. We have also helped organisations put data on UTCs from other sources into the correct context.
Last year, education think tank ImpactEd produced a report evaluating the impact of Baker Dearing and UTCs on the education of young people.

Work with us so more young people can benefit from high-quality technical education
We are keen to work with a wider range of research and charitable organisations to maximise the impact of our work and our reach to key stakeholders in politics, industry, and the media. Baker Dearing can support research and initiatives on student disadvantage, apprenticeship progression, reforms to qualifications at Level 3 and below, literacy and many more subjects.
Want to discuss this further
Contact our expert staff using the link below or through the ‘Our Team’ page.